- Encourage parents to participate in developing the school’s educational policy.
- Develop parent participation and involvement in the school.
- Act as the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and its community and for gathering opinions.
- Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community
- Bring educational matters to the attention of the wider community.
- have representation on the School Council and the local District Council of P&C Associations
- Provide extra resources for the benefit of government school students.
- The P&C can provide resources to the school as it sees fit but is not required to do so.
- P&C Associations are not simply there to fundraise and indeed may elect to avoid fundraising in preference to other activities, such as discussion of educational issues and school policies.
- However, all surplus funds of the P&C (including surplus funds held in other P&C accounts) must be used for the benefit of students attending government schools.
Northam Primary School P&C meetings are held twice per term, in weeks 3 & 7. All parents, staff and community members are welcome to attend. At these meetings a variety of information is provided and discussed.
The P&C is actively involved in the raising of funds for the purchase of resources to enhance teaching and learning programs and the school facilities.
The school P&C has a Facebook page, search for Northam Primary School P&C and request to be added. Please note; only parents/carers will be added to the page.